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Quarry Miner


1. Place turtle, and a chest to the left of it.

2. R-click turtle

3. Set name

set name <name>

4a. The black list feature from step 5a stopped working sometime around 1.19.2 so I started hardcoding the black list into the script. You can download my version from github using:

wget quarry

4a. Download quarry program from pastebin <code>pastebin get rpXRAZs4 quarry</code>

5a. Create black-list

edit no-mine-me

5b. paste in blacklisted mats. This step is only needed it you want the turtle to disreguard stone/cobble. Use step 6a if you wish to have a blacklist.



5c. Not nessisary for everyone, only need to do this if the blacklist feature fails for you. Skip this step unless you know what you're doing. The black list feature from step 5a stopped working sometime around 1.19.2 so I started hardcoding the black list into the script. You can add blocks to the blacklist in the script around line 768. Example:

--oreQuarry blacklist
local blacklist = { "minecraft:air",  "minecraft:bedrock", "minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:ice", "minecraft:ladder", "minecraft:netherrack", "minecraft:tuff", "minecraft:sand", "minecraft:sandstone",
  "minecraft:snow", "minecraft:snow_layer", "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:gravel", "minecraft:grass", "minecraft:torch", "minecraft:diorite", "minecraft:andesite", "minecraft:granite", "byg:soapstone", "minecraft:cobbled_deepslate" 

6. Run quarry

6a. Skips everything on the blacklist and only brings ores back to the chest.

quarry -chest left -oreQuarry true -blacklist no-mine-me.lua -doRefuel true

6b. Mines everything, makes a big hole!

quarry -chest left -doRefuel true

Note: add -startDown X to the end of 6a if the turtle messes up and needs to start a few levels down. I have found this work better than the -restore argument. Example to -startDown 50 blocks from the start.

quarry -chest left -oreQuarry true -blacklist no-mine-me.lua -doRefuel true -startDown 50


Welcome!: Welcome to quarry help. Below are help entries for all parameters. Examples and tips are at the bottom.

Examples: Everything below is examples and tips for use

Important Note: None of the above parameters are necessary. They all have default values, and the above are just if you want to change them.

Examples :

Want to just start a quarry from the interface, without going through menus? It's easy! Just use some parameters. Assume you called the program "quarry." To start a 10x6x3 quarry, you just type in "quarry -dim 10 6 3 -default". You just told it to start a quarry with dimensions 10x6x3, and "-default" means it won't prompt you about invert or rednet. Wasn't that easy?

Examples :

Okay, so you've got the basics of this now, so if you want, you can type in really long strings of stuff to make the quarry do exactly what you want. Now, say you want a 40x20x9, but you want it to go down to diamond level, and you're on the surface (at y = 64). You also want it to send rednet messages to your computer so you can see how its doing.

Examples :

Oh yeah! You also want it to use an ender chest in slot 12 and restart if the server crashes. Yeah, you can do that. You would type "quarry -dim 40x20x9 -invert false -startDown 45 -rednet true -enderChest 12 -restore" BAM. Now you can just let that turtle do it's thing


Internal Config:

At the top of this program is an internal configuration file. If there is some setup that you use all the time, you can just change the config value at the top and run "quarry -default" for a quick setup.

You can also use this if there are settings that you don't like the default value of.


Lua script


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Clay 2021/05/28 02:43