{{ https://i.imgur.com/yAgGlJo.png?nolink&600 |}}
====== Resourceful Bees ======
Creates bees for resourceful bees mod.
====== links ======
====== Prosperibee ======
The bee will give a comb which can be turned into a prosperity shard and then used in mythical agriculture.
Add the following lines to the file in the image below.
{{ https://i.imgur.com/YIBKcNq.png?nolink |}}
"block.resourcefulbees.prosperibee_honeycomb_block": "Prosperibee Honeycomb Block",
"item.resourcefulbees.prosperibee_honeycomb": "Prosperibee Honeycomb",
"item.resourcefulbees.prosperibee_spawn_egg": "Prosperibee Bee Spawn Egg",
"entity.resourcefulbees.prosperibee": "Prosperity Bee"
Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the last line before pasting this. You should also lint it!
Upload the following file to this location:
{{ https://i.imgur.com/Sc5mBNR.png?nolink |}}
"flower": "ALL",
"maxTimeInHive": 600,
"hasHoneycomb": true,
"baseModelType" : "KITTEN",
"baseLayerTexture": "ores/diamond/diamond_bee",
"ColorData": {
"isBeeColored": true,
"isRainbowBee": false,
"isGlowing" : true,
"glowColor" : "#55ff55",
"isEnchanted" : false,
"glowingPulse" : 3,
"modelType": "DEFAULT"
"MutationData": {
"hasMutation": true,
"mutationInput": "minecraft:lava",
"mutationOutput": "minecraft:water",
"mutationType": "FLUID_TO_FLUID"
"CentrifugeData": {
"hasCentrifugeOutput": true,
"mainOutput": "mysticalagriculture:prosperity_shard",
"secondaryOutput" : "minecraft:stone",
"mainOutputCount": 1
"SpawnData": {
"canSpawnInWorld": true,
"biomeWhitelist": "tag:OVERWORLD",
"biomeBlacklist": "tag:ocean"
"BreedData": {
"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "Coal",
"parent2": "Skeleton",
"feedItem": "tag:forge:ores"
"TraitData": {}